Energy Business Development

Alternative Energy

The Energy Grid website is divided into two sections: Energy and Information. This reflects the two primary areas of expertise and experience offered. In the realm of Energy, a clear understanding of the alternative energy industry, the concepts, the infrastructure, and the distribution channel provide the means to understand and promote your products or services to the industry. With a thorough understanding of your product and the ability to present it, your product can quickly become commercialized.

  • Presentations at industry events
  • Direct Sales and personal presentations
  • Articles in major publications
  • Presentations to regulatory bodies
  • Internet Marketing

Success in the energy industry is about connections.

Mark C. Robinson is known in the renewable energy industry and can work closely with solar energy dealers and installers, regulatory agencies, publications, and committees.

Mark C. Robinson with Michael Peavey, President of the California Public Utilities Commission

The Energy Grid can effectively promote and introduce your technology to the renewable energy dealer market with personal contact, trade show appearances, articles, and participation in popular discussion groups.

Regulatory challenges can be addressed through connections with the California Energy Commission, the Rule 21 working group, the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities, Long Island Power Authority, NYSERDA, and more.