Solar for Homes


A solar electric system, also called a photovoltaic or PV system, is made of unique panels that generate electricity when exposed to sunlight. It can spin the electric meter backward, providing free electricity day and night!



Watch your electric meter run backward! A solar electric system protects you from future rate increases and allows you to lock in the cost of electricity for the next 30+ years. Electric rates are increasing from 33% to 133% per year. You can reduce or eliminate your monthly electric bill by purchasing a solar electric system.

Installing Solar Panels in New York

Solar electric systems supply clean, fixed-price solar electricity. When the system generates more electricity than you are using, the excess solar energy is sent to the utility grid, spinning your meter backward during the day. The midday solar energy is “sold back” to the utility at peak utility rates, giving you the highest value for the excess energy you generate. This is called “Net metering.”

Solar electric power works very well for most homes in our area. A south-facing roof is best, but panels can be mounted on the west or east-facing roofs and still provide significant power.

Solar electric systems only create electricity on sunny days. At night, your utility company provides the power. The solar system will function on cloudy days, just not as efficiently. Panels produce about half as much under a light, overcast sky as under a full sun.

 The size of your system is determined by many things, including electrical usage, the size, angle, and orientation of your roof, and how much of the roof area is shaded, among other things. To approximate how many panels you need for your home, multiply your daily electrical demand in kilowatt-hours by 0.25. The number of kilowatt hours represents the size of the solar array you will need in kilowatt-hours. Our company will use solar calculators and weather data over the past several years to determine how much you can expect from your solar electric system.

 A solar electric system will not directly provide heat to your home or heat hot water. Our solar power systems are designed to provide electricity to run your home’s lights, appliances, and other electrical devices.


These systems require little to no maintenance. Our solar panels can withstand high winds, snow, and hail with no problem and are guaranteed for 20 years. There is very little to go wrong because there are no moving parts in a solar electric system. Ensure the modules are clear of bird droppings and dirt and trees aren’t shading the system. Also, ensure the system works optimally during the year by occasionally glancing at the metering system. Besides that, keep smiling every time you see the sun, knowing it works for you all day.

Call today to schedule a free site evaluation to see if a solar electric system can benefit you.


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