About Us

The Enery Grid has been a resource to the renewable energy industry since 2002.

At The Energy Grid, we are dedicated to providing the energy industry with current news and information about the new technologies which drive our industry.

Solar Energy Consulting

Building on a strong background of electrical, electronic, and computer systems, The Energy Grid participated in the design and implemention of Solar Energy Inverters.


Photovolatic System Installation

Commercial PV systems are becoming a valuable resource to businesses - not only to save energy but also to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability.



Working closely with leading edge companies like SolarWorks, Advanced Energy, and Becon Power Systems, The Energy Grid Expands into uncharted ground of Rob Will's Multimode Inverters, Flywheels, and More.


DC Microgrids

Headed by innovators like Paul Savage and Ben Hartman, low voltage DC MIcrogrids become a reality. Big Box stores can power their flourescent lighting with DC power from PV.


Market Development

The Renewable Energy Industry gets on the web with The Energy Grid's expert web development and SEO strategies. Hundreds of large and small energy companies can now have an online presence.


Keeping Current

The challenge now is managing the massive amount of information about innovations, new technologies, and discoveries. The Energy Grid, with our background and connections can provide up-to-date analysis and keep you in the loop.


Meet the Principal

Mark C. Robinson, Founder and Principal of The Energy Grid.

Mark C. Robinson has been an innovator in the renewable enery business since 2000. Working with brilliant innovators like Bruce N. Anderson, Lee Seddon, Richard Eidlin, Dr. Rob Wills, Paul Savage, and others, Robinson has been able to participate in the explosive growth on the energy industry.

See Full CV